Good Monday, Gamer!
"I find your lack of dice disturbing." – Darth Vader, TPK Lord.
It was a by-week for games last week. And yeah, it’s easy to feel a little bummed out when the dice aren’t rolling and the characters aren’t running— but I’m old enough to know downtime is necessary. A little rest, some non-gaming stuff, some beard & barbering, a pedicure and boom—avoiding that dreaded burnout.

So what did I do with all that extra time? We rented scooters and took a spin around the neighborhood. My kid? Totally indifferent about learning to drive. Unlike his sister, who was all about getting behind the wheel. He’s indifferent about it. There’s just no way I’m putting an indifferent kid in a car, so a scooter it is! What’s crazy is his entire crew is like that—only one of his friends drives. The rest? Scooters. No bikes, just tiny motorized skateboards with sticks on them. 🤷🏾♂️
Picked up Across 1000 Dead Worlds on DriveThruRPG. It’s definitely giving me Heechee vibes—if you know, you know. I’m diving into it to see how they handle the time issue—those Heechee shuttles travel near lightspeed, after all. I’ll let you know if it sticks.
Also had a solid coding run for Grimoires, my Vancian-inspired game project. Can’t wait for those Vancian haters to choke on their words when I cash that multi-million-dollar check! 😂
Mini painting’s back on the agenda—specifically for my solo Moria run. I’ve made Vefar the Quick, a relic hunter in Balin’s Expedition in The One Ring. In the Moria expansion, your solo character starts with 15 skill points, a shared calling, and +5 Hope, which represents the band of delvers you’re leading. You get six dwarfs or dwarf friends, each with their own talent (Gift) and quirk. Our first mission? Secure a hidden passage that goblins are exploiting! More on that later this week in the AP!
And now… it’s Monday; the break is over!
Catch you next week! 🎲
RPGKC Monthly - Balin’s Moria Expedition.
RinCon ??? 🤞🏽
PAXU!! Lifted: Indomitable
Games on Demand
RPG Designer Meet & Greet