Good Monday, Gamer!
It's the last weekend of the summer, and we're kicking off a tour of arcade spots around the city. This week, we hit up Arcade Alley in our hometown of Lee's Summit. My kid had an absolute blast playing some old-school classics like Frogger, 1943, G.I. Joe, and Captain America & The Avengers. Watching the next generation get hooked on the games that defined my youth? Priceless.
On the tabletop front, we’re deep into character creation for our Burning Wheel Dark Tower campaign. Max has decided to roll with an Orphaned Scion, inspired by the characters from the game. It’s shaping up to be a gritty, epic journey. Is Azkol good, bad, alien?!
Prep mode is in full swing. I’m knee-deep in creating a legion of dwarves for my upcoming Moria expeditions with The One Ring and the new Moria expansion. Fresh off a successful live run of Twilight: 2000, I'm doubling down on table handouts this time. And yes, I’m painting minis for Moria—not so much for tactical use, but because they’ll look awesome on the table! I am planning to make this an open-table campaign like my early Mutant Year Zero games, where players can leave notes and maps for future expeditions.
I’ve also been sucked into The Forever Winter video game
It's a survival horror shooter with some sweet base/community-building elements—totally calling my name!
Meanwhile, in the word mines with Lifted, I’m cranking out examples, pulling inspiration from recorded games, and shamelessly stealing scenes from movies. It's a grind, but the end result will be worth it and clear!
And in case you missed it, TinyCon’s in Rascal News! Go check it out!
That’s all for now—what games are you diving into as summer winds down?
Catch you next week!
RPGKC Monthly @Mind Games & Magic. Twilight: 2000 - Heavy is the Crown (pt II)
SharedHearth 5th-8th, Online
Meeple-a-thon (Sept 27-29) : Through Durin’s Doors (The One Ring)
Burning Wheel Con (Lodging Acquired!!)
PAXU!! Lifted: Indomitable + Games on Demand
That looks like an awesome place!
Great recap, just subscribed and I’m loving reading about your experiences and all the games you are into! We have a local nickel arcade near us and I love taking my two boys to it for the same reasons (when I can get them away from the win ticket slot games) - Pac-Man, Tetris and Missile Command all got played last time. For your Moria Minis, are you using Journeys in Middle Earth BG or the Games Workshop ones? Would love to see them in the future!