Good Monday, Gamer!
I just got my hands on the highly anticipated Moria book, and I'm planning several West Marches-style expeditions with it. There’s a section called Balin’s Expeditions, which roughs out a campaign around Balin visiting the mines. The T2K expansions mark the second and third for this game. I hope they both delve deeper into Project: Reset—a nice twist on an old setting! (No Spoilers!)
The week’s mail.
Free League surpasses any other publisher for the number of games I own and play:
Symbaroum - My favorite OSR category game and setting.
Mutant Year Zero - Apocalyptic sandbox goodness.
Coriolis - A fantastic sci-fi setting; I’d love to play more of it.
Forbidden Lands - I ran a 40+ player West Marches campaign with this!
Alien - At the table, I heard actual screams!
Twilight: 2000 - 50+ games and counting.
The One Ring - Never leave home without your Hobbit!
Honestly, I could go to a desert island with just these and be good. I own Blade Runner, but I haven’t played it yet, and I’ve played Tales from the Loop, but I don’t own it.
One day, Free League will offer me a gig. 😝
The OG Terminator

On the home front, my kid has been obsessing over Ogre and dug out my box from the house vault. I tried to discourage him with the ziplock bag version and some Steve Jackson YouTube videos…but we’re doing it. He’s called dibs on the MK III, which is fine by me—I’d rather be the one trying to take it down. The mechanics, ancient by today’s standards, are solid and easy to pick up. The hardest thing is figuring out what configuration of forces to pick to break the Ogre’s back(treads!) We have a couple of weeks left to pack in games before school starts back up. Marching band camp has already started last week. Mon-Fri, 2 PM - 9 PM. Our list of summer games is formidable!
I’m looking forward to resuming our Miseries & Misfortunes series set in Occult Paris. Summer family and other IRL stuff interrupted our schedule, but we’re gonna turn up the weird occult vibes in the next session.
Anyway, what have you been playing? What’s new in your collection?
Catch you next week!
RPGKC Monthly @Mind Games & Magic. Twilight: 2000 - Heavy is the Crown (pt II)
SharedHearth 5th-8th, Online
Burning Wheel Con (Lodging Acquired!!)
Newest additions from GenCon: Moria, and The Pirates of Drinax campaign for Traveller.